Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day vs Independent

So yesterday was Valentine's day. Some of us may be singles, others have a date and some of us are attached/married. Today i to talk a little about being single and looking for a partner.

It's common for the singles, both guys and ladies to go for social event meant for the singles. And while we go to such event, we go there with certain expectations. The guy must be rich, handsome and young etc.. The ladies have good figure, long hair etc. While we have the ''ideal/perfect'' partner in mind, does he/she ever exists?

I'm sorry but No! Be it, in the past, present or future there will never be a perfect couple don't even say the perfect relationship. I speak from experience. I used to write down the criteria of my ideal partner. But guess what, she never exists. Now that i know she doesn't exists, am i still hanging on to my fantasy? No!

Rather, i trust Him to provide and bring the girl when the time is right. So what do i do in the meantime? I go and enrich and equip myself. I do not desperately go and ask around if there is any ladies that is willing to go out with me.

Here's the truth, tested and proven: Trust Him in all your ways. Commit your plans to Him. Jenny is the perfect example. She came from Him.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Our 1st anniversary

To her, i want to say:

There will never be another one like you. When i thought i will surely be single all my life, God allowed me to meet you. And though there was disagreements, silly arguments, i thank God we're still here and together. None of us are perfect. But it is through our imperfectness, that we know each other better. And for that, i am grateful. Surely there are many good and pretty girls out there, i thank God for knowing Jenny. I guess there wouldn't be another one like you. This journey hasn't been easy but nonetheless, we're still here and will surely be.